Thursday 2 May 2013

Evaluation of AEON

Media evaluation -

Evaluation - Questions

This is my response to the questions;
  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Below are my ansers to questions three, four, five, six and seven.

Our final cut - AEON

This is our final cut of our production AEON.

Organisation of costumes

We had a very clear idea of how we wanted our character to be represented through their clothes, we wanted to be able to show their personality through the clothes they were wearing.

Ive listed below the type of syle of clothes we were looking for;


Hooded jumper

Skinny jeans

T shirts


These clothes will show the perosnality of our character through her attitude towards fashion and style. This will also help the audience connect with the character throught her clothes.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Organisation of Actors and props

We have a pretty clear idea of what type of person we would like to be in our production, someone who falls under and induvidual steryotype of person, who is musically inspired and is very much a british steryotype.
We have some possible ideas of who we want to be our actor, such as;
  • Lauren Carpenter (myself)

  • Ben Pilston

  • We felt that either myself or Ben would be a good choice of character as both of us fit the part that want to be played incredibly well, we both play multiple instruments and both dress in our own way, which would fit the part of our character considerably well without having to find aditional cosutmes or props.
    After discussin which of us that we would want use we decided that Myself should play the character as I fit the part but more importantly we found that in our research these types of roles where more commonly played by a male role, so sticking to the convention of our blog being different to other productions, we wanted to keep it going more agaisnt the grain therefore, choosing me to play the role.

    We want our character to be a busker, this is where she will be travelling to throughout our production. An image and video is listed below of buskers;

    Obviously a busker shall carry a guitar, so we need to find a guitar we can use frequently, that she can be carrying through the whole production. Myself and ben both have guitars, so we chose to use Ben's guitar as he also has a case that it can be carried in, which would look more realistic. Here is the guitar below without and in its case;

    This shall be the main prop in our production, as buskers only tend to carry their guitar on their back.

    Organisation for location

    Choosing our location

    We have adapted our idea on a character walking on their journey, we want it to be filmed on a road or selction of roads, so the character is seen to be traveling towards a certain place. We have looked at few areas in which we think would be suitible for our production, there are the three areas;
    • Cowley Road, Oxford

    • Cobble Road, Oxford

    • Near OCVC college, Oxford

    We feel that either of these places would be suitible but our only issue would be travelling to them.

    We also want to be able to shoot certain shots, the main typer of shots that we will be looking to film with are

    Medium shot

    Medium long shot

    These two shots will work best in establishing our character and where they're going.

    Tuesday 30 April 2013

    Production meeting two - Thinking about pre-production.

    Present: Sam, Ben, Izzy and Lauren

    Focus/agenda: Planning pre-production
    Ideas: In this meeting we have been thinking of what location we could use to shoot our film as well as thinking of when we are all availible to film.

    Tasks: To organise a regime of when and where we will be filming. Also to organise what props we will be using and who will organise to bring them.

    Thursday 6 December 2012

    Production meeting - 6th December 2012

    Present: Sam, Ben, Izzy and Lauren

    Focus/agenda: Work out a synopsis/ brief of what we will be filming.

    • Following somone walking on a journey (things happening around them)
    • Titles on items in the background i.e signs, tshirts, newspapers, doors.
    • We thought of making our own soundtrack as there would'nt be any copyright issues, we would also be able to make it to fit tour opening sequence.
    • Everyone to watch films/videos/music videos for insperation.
    During this production meeting we also discussed what genre of film we would like to produce. Our first intial ideas where to produce a black and white horror/thriller opening sequence but after looking at previous students work, we decided against this as it was quite common and many were badly made, it would also be very dificult to create a realistic atmosphere for this genre of film.
    We soon decided to create a feel good film that would follow a charecter in their day to day journey. We felt that this would be the best idea as all of us as a group could relate to the genre and effect we would be trying to persue. We also felt that we would be able to create this genre of film to the best of our ability.